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Plastic and Reconstructive Eyelid Surgery

As we age, the shape of our eyelids change, impacting vision, comfort, and appearance. Common eyelid changes include excess eyelid skin, droopy eyelids, or eyelids that turn inward or outward. These conditions can cause discomfort, impact vision, and affect appearance. Fortunately, there are common treatments that can improve health and appearance.

“Bags” Under the Eyes

In the lower eyelids, prominence of the naturally occurring fat around the eye causes the lid to look puffy or baggy. While this does not interfere with vision, it often gives the illusion of looking older than one’s age. A procedure can be performed on the lower eyelids to reduce the appearance of bags and restore a more youthful appearance to the eyes.

Blepharoplasty – Upper Lids


Used to remove excess or redundant skin (dermatochalasis) from the upper eyelids that can restrict or block vision. This procedure can improve peripheral vision as well as appearance. Insurance may cover this procedure if vision is affected.

Drooping Eyelids/Ectropion


Age may cause a stretching of the lower eyelid causing the lid to droop and/or turn outward called an Ectropion. This can cause irritation, excessive dryness, redness, and sensitivity. Surgery usually restores the normal position of the eyelid to improve these symptoms and is covered by insurance.

Eyelid Turning Inward/Entropion

Entropion is an inward turning of the eyelid and occurs due to age and weakening eyelid muscles. This can also be a result of other surgeries or trauma. When the eyelid turns inward toward the lid and lashes rub against the eye, the result is redness, irritation, tearing, and scarring. Correction with surgery is possible.


A common condition in which the eyelid muscle stretches, Ptosis causes the position of the upper eyelid to be lower than normal. Surgery to tighten this muscle can improve vision and appearance. If vision is significantly affected by Ptosis, the surgery may be covered by insurance.

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